Pianouittreksel met Voorwerk – Excerpts
Text: Willem Wilmink:
- De ballade van de gehangenen (The ballad of the hanged men) (after François Villon) (Soprano and Tenor)
- De zieke roos (O rose, thou art sick) (after William Blake) (Tenor)
- De gestolen teddybeer (The stolen teddybear) (Soprano)
- De hel (Hell) (Soprano and Tenor)
- Voorspoken (Pre-ghosts / Pre-haunting)* (Tenor)
- Het stervende kind (The dying child) (after H.C. Andersen) (Soprano)
- Zingende doden (Singing dead) (Soprano and Tenor)
*) ‘Voorspoken’ is a compound of voor and spoken and doesn’t exist as such in Dutch. Voor means before or pre-, and spoken means either ghosts or to haunt, depending on whether it is seen as a noun or a verb.
Commissioned by Muziekvereniging “Wilhelmina” Glanerbrug, with financial support of the Dutch Fund for the Podium Arts
Dedicated to Muziekvereniging “Wilhelmina” Glanerbrug and their conductor Fried Dobbelsteen
Duration: ca. 33 min.