
Compositions inspired by current times

Song cycle for high voice and piano Poems by Michael R. Burch

Introduction and text of the poems

Children of Gaza

Song cycle for high voice and piano Poems by Michael R. Burch

Introduction and text of the poems

Music and spirituality

Spirituality as a quality criterion in art music; a personal manifesto

Despite the peak of excellence modern music has achieved, we do not hear or see today the least sign of those effects which ancient music produced, which were so infinitely desirable and useful.
 Vicenzo Galilei, father of Galileo (1533 – 1591)

If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.
Nikola Tesla (1856 – ...

Bubbles, the movie

Watch Bubbles, the movie

In this movie I tell the story of the composition ‘Bubbles’. A number of Dutch music experts considered this piece to be of a high compositorical quality. Essentially, though, it was child’s play…

The article mentioned toward the end of the movie is called ‘Busoni’s Garden’. It can be downloaded for free.

The excerpts from ‘The Witches’ Cauldron’ are performed by the Symphonic Wind Orchestra of the Augsburg Conservatory, conducted by Maurice Hamers. The complete performance ...

Busoni’s muzikale tuin

Busoni’s muzikale tuin
Pleidooi voor een nieuwe kijk op eigentijdse muziek

Over eigentijdse ‘serieuze’ muziek wordt een beeld hoog gehouden dat zich maar moeizaam verhoudt tot de alledaagse werkelijkheid. Enerzijds wordt ons voorgehouden dat die min of meer hedendaagse componisten van zogenaamde ‘serieuze’ muziek die als grote componisten worden aangezien als het ware de fakkel hebben overgenomen van hun illustere voorgangers uit het verleden, anderzijds is de belangstelling ...

Busoni’s Garden

Plea for a new concept of contemporary music

The way the general view of contemporary ‘serious’ music relates to everyday reality is awkward, to say the least. On the one hand, we are told that those more or less contemporary composers of so-called ‘serious’ music, who are considered great composers, have – as it were – taken over the torch from their illustrious predecessors from the past, on the other hand the interest in their music is most limited. According to ...